

The team would like to thank everyone who was able to come to Westminster on Wednesday. It was a smashing day, the sun was with us all the way and we presented an additional 1,500 signatures of those who don’t use the internet so couldn’t sign our MP’s on line petition. We know many couldn’t […]

Q and A

Q and A

THE WISBECH INCINERATOR – Q & A Why are we against the incinerator coming to Wisbech? Here are answers to commonly-asked questions, which we hope will clarify our position. There are questions about the proposed local incinerator and some facts about incineration in general.   Won’t it bring much-needed development to Wisbech? Fenland definitely needs […]



I spoke inside with Jane, Sven & Paul Carey. I discussed everything for the project – emissions, water usage, biodiversity, filters, transport, bottom ash transport (extra 25%) and flood risks. I asked them to consider Wash Biodiversity Action Plan and verify flood mapping as either they were not in their paperwork or were wrong. The […]

Reliable, Affordable and Clean?

Reliable, Affordable and Clean?

The person who will finally decide whether the Mega-Incinerator will be built in Wisbech is the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial strategy, Kwasi Kwarteng. If you read his job description, he is responsible for ensuring that the country has secure energy supplies that are Reliable, Affordable and Clean. On top of that […]