The basics:
The proposed site is near two schools, including Thomas Clarkson and many homes and businesses.
The incinerator produces electricity from all kinds of rubbish, including plastics. It’s the CO2, other greenhouse gases and the fine particulates that are produced that are particularly harmful to the atmosphere and to people living locally and downwind as well as our farmland.
An excellent precis of questions put to MVV, with their answers, can be found here
Please see links, including “How You Can Help”. Write letters, print/put up posters and leaflets, join the Facebook campaigns.
The proposal is too big to be decided locally, it will go to the government.
and a link for more about the process is here
Latest press release, please click here for the PDF. We think the whole process should be deferred.
Click on titles below to get the report/video open in a new window:
The Company’s presentation to the County and District Councils
We are grateful to Alan James, Chairman, CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (speaking); also Michael de Whalley (left) founder of the King’s Lynn campaign for their help, including speaking at the rally: