We’re ensuring we’re following all guidelines and taking all precautions necessary at this time but also wanting to keep the message out there, thanks to our bubble protestors and to Tweet for taking the photos!
Thankyou to everyone putting up banners around the town. We feel this is an important “show of hands” for the company to see and it could also attract extra press attention, as well as tell others about the proposal.
Friday Bridge, with thanks to Sue and Andy!
Kim Taylor has also been out and about following the protests and here’s some of her photos too.
The protestors were outside the community centres for each “exhibition” – during COVID-19 restrictions, MVV put on exhibitions saying they were “educational” (we disagree, as they were, understandably, one-sided – so not a balanced view as education should be). Also, they said they could only let in one household/bubble per hour, so very few people saw what they had on show, we think there were more protestors outside each venue than visitors.
1st October, Rosmini Centre
2nd October, Wisbech St Mary Sports and Community Centre
3rd October, Queen Mary Centre
13th October Marshland Hall
14th October, Oasis Community Centre
15th October, Tower Hall, Friday Bridge
16th October, Walton Highway Village Club
Banners up around town: